This site keeps track of 11 of the 12 Hollywood Guild awards. I started keeping track in 2002 for the message board Home Theater Forum, which is why I don't have results prior to that. I used to keep track of Guild results in a simple text file that I would post to the forum. Last year I decided to make a web page that linked all the previous pages. It's strictly a hobby and a constantly evolving work in progress as I go back and add IMDB links and other things to make them all look uniform.
These pages won't be an up-to-the-minute updated source. Nominations and winners will be added within a day of announcement. For major corrections or questions, write me at
These are the 11 Guilds:
American Cinema Editors (ACE, The Eddies)
American Society Of Cinematographers (ASC)
Art Directors Guild (ADG)
Cinema Audio Society (CAS)
Costume Designers Guild (CDG)
Directors Guild (DGA)
Producers Guild (PGA)
Screen Actors Guild (SAG)
Visual Effects Society (VES)
Writers Guild Of America (WGA)
The 12th Guild is the Hollywood Makeup and Hair Stylist Guild, but they haven't announced award results (if indeed they still give out awards) since 2004.
Migrating these from text files to web pages is a work in progress. I've been working to add a link to every nominee's IMDB page, notate with a * all films that were nominated for an Oscar in its category, and notate with a + all films that won an Oscar in its category. It's slow-going and hundreds of IMDB links are still inactive. I apologise for those many I haven't done yet.